Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
Merch Insights & Analytics InternJob Descriptions: 1. Assist on business projects to find valuable insights and enhance our understanding of Consumers, Products, and Market/Competition, providing strategic support…
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
财务流程实习生岗位要求 1. 2024届本科及以上学历毕业生 2. 财务、会计、等财务类相关专业,非财务类专业需有财务知识背景 3. 具有较强的逻辑思维能力与沟通能力,能熟练使用Microsoft软件 4. 有工作热情,学习能力强,细致,执行能力强,敢于承受压力 5. 可尽快到岗,实习期3个月及以上
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
公司新闻组-英文实习生Job Descriptions: 1. Monitor and flag relevant news stories from local and international media, especially stories that could work well for video and…
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
Assistant SupervisorWe are looking for suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join our team of IELTS Test Day Assistant Supervisor in East China. You will need 1. An…
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
图像增强研究实习生招聘岗位职责 1. 调研和学习低光增强、图形去模糊等图像处理算法 2. 复现并理解上述算法的原理和流程,进行相关代码实现 3. 根据实际场景需求,对现有算法进行改进和优化 4. 与团队成员紧密合作,共同解决项目中遇到的技术问题 岗位要求 1. 计算机科学、电子工程或相关专业的本科或研究生在读 2.…
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
客户执行(广告)实习生招聘岗位职责 1. 根据项目进展,行业信息搜索,竞品分析等 2. 负责创意简报的传达,参与创意团队的头脑风暴项目 3. 负责财务类辅助性工作,如处理与客户之间往来重要文件的传送,团队报销等 4. 负责日常会议辅助工作,如会议内容记录,会议室预订等协调辅助工作 岗位要求 1.…
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
Operation实习生招聘Job Discription Provide administration support to ensure special sale operations are maintained in an effective, up to date and accurate manner. 1.Maintain/update office files, confidential…
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
PAID: Project Consultant Executive SearchA BOUT US hopkins&billion is an international Consulting Firm helping international clients develop their companies via strategic Advisory Services incorporating a strong emphasis on Executive…
Oriental Support -
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
Research Analyst / EditorJob Description Write, package and edit reports in English, based on research carried out by other team members. Write clear and concise executive summaries suitable…
Oriental Support -
Joanna posted a new job. a year ago
Business DevelopmentJob Description The ideal candidate is a motivated, organized, committed, and creative individual who welcomes the challenges of acquiring and developing new business through sales…
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